Unique One-of-a-kind Original Art on Upcyled fabrics and clothes

Hey Y'all! Ahmo tleinica, Welcome to the Rebel Axolotl (A'Sho"lo"tl) Collective Market.

This is a market for original art created & screen-printed by artists on Upcycled fabrics and clothes, and other creations that will be coming soon. We are conscious of our sources and take the time to handpick the clothes & fabrics to ensure good quality.

This market is also an initiative to help bring awareness of these cultually significant and endangered Axolotls while also showcasing culturally significant social movements and other works of visual art and photo documenary work, while reducing waste by upcycling clothes and fabrics.

After the success of vending at art festivals, galleries and powwows, our collective was encouraged to create a website to share & sell our work.



I create the file, whether it's from my original work, or collaboration with another artist. I create the transparency, burn, and pull my own screens form my small home studio in Austin, TX. We use only high quality water-based inks for all of our products.

(Rosy Campanita)

  • Did you know?

    By shopping here, not only are you supporting our work as artists, but also helping support the 9 axolotls (A'Sho'Lo'Tls) artist

    Rosy Campanita has been raising since hatched from eggs over 4 years ago. Your support helps provide food, supplies, and maintenance.

    To find out more on these endangered species feel free to check out the social icon links below of website. To donate funds/sponsorship or supplies. For any questions, please email us. Thank you for visiting. 

Keep up with axolotls via our youtube channel Axolotls without borders.